Solar system 500 kWp with solar modules Solar Fabrik Premium L poly 250 Watt in Salzwedel, Germany
Solar system 150 kWp with solar modules Luxor Solar Eco Line P60 250 Watt in Velbert, Germany
Solar system 30 kWp with solar modules Amerisolar AS-6P30 250 Watt in Krefeld, Germany
Solar system 100 kWp with solar modules SOLAR CALL SCP-270 Watt in Ratingen, Germany
Solar park 994 kWp with solar modules Amerisolar AS-6P30 260 Watt in Mantova, Italy
Solar park 2 MW with solar modules Amerisolar AS-6P30 265 Watt in Kayseri, Turkey
Solar park 8.3 MW with First Solar modules First Solar Series FS 3 in Pissos, France
Solar system 6.2 kWp with solar modules SOLAR CALL SCM-310 Watt in Wülfrath, Germany
Solar system 7.56 kWp with solar modules SOLAR CALL SCM-FB-280 Watt in Neuss, Germany
Solar system 9.9 kWp with solar modules SOLAR CALL SCM-300 Watt in Bergheim, Germany
Solar systems 8 kWp, 10 kWp and 6 kWp with solar modules Amerisolar AS-6P30 250 Watt in Pulheim, Germany
Solar system 7.75 kWp with solar modules SOLAR CALL SCM-310 (top left), battery inverter RCT Power Storage Inverter 6.0 and energy storage RCT Power Battery 5.7 (right) with emergency power supply RCT Power Switch (bottom left) in Leverkusen, Germany
Solar system 6.3 kWp with solar modules SOLAR CALL SCM-300 (top left), 2 x SOLAXPOWER X1-HYBRID inverter SK-SU3700E (right) and 4 x battery storage PYLONTECH US2000B (bottom left) in Ratingen, Germany
Solar system 5.7 kWp with solar modules Amerisolar AS-6P30 270 Watt (top), battery inverter RCT Power Storage Inverter 6.0 (bottom right) and energy storage RCT Power Battery 5.7 (bottom left) in Ottenstein, Germany
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